Getting started


Install the CoRC package directly from GitHub:


The installation may take a few minutes.

CoRC runs it’s own version of the COPASI backend which it will download for your platform during installation.

In case there is no internet connection, the package can be downloaded from the (github releases). Both the package and the correct platform-specific libraries need to be downloaded. In most cases it’s easiest to just specify the location of the libraries prior to installation by setting the COPASI_LIB_PATH environment variable. E.g. for CoRC Version 0.10.0 on windows:

Sys.setenv(COPASI_LIB_PATH = "C:/Users/jonas/Downloads/COPASI_windows_x86_64.dll")
install.packages("C:/Users/jonas/Downloads/CoRC_0.10.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL)


To start, load the library.

From this point on, CoRC keeps an instance of COPASI running in the background. This instance can load up as many models as desired.

Loading a model

Initially, no model is loaded.

#> Error: No model currently in use.

You can load a model by using one of the model management commands.

When loading a model, the returned object is a reference to the model that will give basic information when printed.

model <- loadSBML("")
#> # A COPASI model reference:
#> Model name: "Kummer2000 - Oscillations in Calcium Signalling"
#> Number of compartments: 1
#> Number of species: 3
#> Number of reactions: 8

This reference can be used with most functions using the model argument but can also be safely ignored when working with a single model.


CoRC contains a plethora of functions for working with COPASI models. The most basic ones required for common workflows are used for manipulation of model entities and running tasks.

#> tibble [3 × 13] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ key                  : chr [1:3] "G-alpha{compartment}" "activePLC{compartment}" "Calcium{compartment}"
#>  $ name                 : chr [1:3] "G-alpha" "activePLC" "Calcium"
#>  $ compartment          : chr [1:3] "compartment" "compartment" "compartment"
#>  $ type                 : chr [1:3] "reactions" "reactions" "reactions"
#>  $ unit                 : chr [1:3] "nmol/l" "nmol/l" "nmol/l"
#>  $ initial_concentration: num [1:3] 0.01 0.01 0.01
#>  $ initial_number       : num [1:3] 0.602 0.602 0.602
#>  $ concentration        : num [1:3] NaN NaN NaN
#>  $ number               : num [1:3] NaN NaN NaN
#>  $ rate                 : num [1:3] 0 0 0
#>  $ number_rate          : num [1:3] 0 0 0
#>  $ initial_expression   : chr [1:3] "" "" ""
#>  $ expression           : chr [1:3] "" "" ""
setSpecies("G-alpha", initial_concentration = 0.02)
timecourse <- runTimeCourse(duration = 100, intervals = 10000)

This enables quick definition of loops, for example to scan through various concentration values of a species.

ga_concentrations <- 1:5

for (ga_conc in ga_concentrations) {
  setSpecies("G-alpha", initial_concentration = ga_conc)
  ga_state <- getSpecies("G-alpha")
    "Current concentration:", ga_state$initial_concentration, ga_state$unit
  # further commands e.g.:
  # runTimecourse()
  # saveModel(paste0("ga", ga_value, ".cps"))
#> [1] "Current concentration: 1 nmol/l"
#> [1] "Current concentration: 2 nmol/l"
#> [1] "Current concentration: 3 nmol/l"
#> [1] "Current concentration: 4 nmol/l"
#> [1] "Current concentration: 5 nmol/l"

CoRC data

Data generated by CoRC is returned as common R structures such as lists, data frames and matrices. Data frames are wrapped in an equivalent structure called a tibble which behaves identical in most circumstances but gives a reasonable overview when printing.

#> # A tibble: 10,001 × 4
#>     Time `G-alpha` activePLC  Calcium
#>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1  0       0.02      0.01   0.01    
#>  2  0.01    0.0227    0.0102 0.000320
#>  3  0.02    0.0255    0.0103 0.000359
#>  4  0.03    0.0284    0.0106 0.000400
#>  5  0.04    0.0314    0.0108 0.000442
#>  6  0.05    0.0344    0.0111 0.000486
#>  7  0.06    0.0376    0.0114 0.000530
#>  8  0.07    0.0408    0.0118 0.000576
#>  9  0.08    0.0441    0.0122 0.000624
#> 10  0.09    0.0475    0.0126 0.000672
#> # … with 9,991 more rows

It is encouraged to use the ggplot2 package for generating publication-ready plots from CoRC data. The helper function autoplot.copasi_ts can be used to quickly print timecourse data.

# library(ggplot2)

Final steps

Finally, a model can be saved via several model management commands.

saveSBML(path, level = 3, version = 1)

To free up memory, unload any loaded models or restart R.


Information regarding different aspects of CoRC and simple examples can be found in the articles on model entity management, task management and model building on the CoRC website. More sophisticated examples and case-studies illustrating further benefits of using CoRC can be found in the examples article.