This document follows closely the Mendes 2009 paper1 on COPASI use cases.

If we want to optimise something, we either want to minimise or maximise a specific target value.


First, we have to load CoRC and tidyverse. Make sure you have these packages downloaded. If you have not yet downloaded CoRC, take a look at the tab Download.




# install tidyverse

# install CoRC from GitHub

Loading the model

We will work with model Nr. 23 in BioModels2, which is a simulation of analyzing sucrose accumulation in sugar cane (Rohwer 2001). The model can be loaded directly from the biomodels database; in case this does not work it is also stored in this repository (see commented-out line).

loadSBML(biomodels_url(id = 23, format = "sbml"))
#> # A COPASI model reference:
#> Model name: "Rohwer2001_Sucrose"
#> Number of compartments: 1
#> Number of species: 13
#> Number of reactions: 11

# if that does not work, try:
# loadSBML("")

CoRC will give out general specifications about the model upon loading. To get a better understanding of the model, we will first take a look at the reactions:

#> # A tibble: 11 × 6
#>    key   name  reaction                      rate_law           flux number_flux
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>                         <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 (v1)  v1    Fruex = Fru                   FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  2 (v2)  v2    Glcex = Glc                   FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  3 (v3)  v3    ATP + Glc = HexP + ADP;  Fru  FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  4 (v4)  v4    Fru + ATP = HexP + ADP;  Glc  FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  5 (v5)  v5    Fru + ATP = HexP + ADP        FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  6 (v6)  v6    2 * HexP = UDP + Suc6P;  phos FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  7 (v7)  v7    Suc6P = Suc + phos            FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  8 (v8)  v8    HexP + Fru = Suc + UDP        FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#>  9 (v9)  v9    Suc = Fru + Glc               FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#> 10 (v10) v10   HexP = glycolysis             FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0
#> 11 (v11) v11   Suc = Sucvac                  FunctionDB.Funct…     0           0

Of interest to us are reactions v11 (accumulation of sucrose in vacuoles) and v9 (hydrolysis of sucrose), which decreases our overall productivity.

We can see the behaviour of the species in the plot below. The component we are interested in is Sucrose (Suc).



tc1 <- runTC(duration = 1000, dt = 1)$result %>% 
  pivot_longer(-Time, names_to = "names", values_to = "values")
ggplot(data = tc1) +
  geom_line(aes(x = Time, y = values, color = names))

The objective function

We want to maximise our productivity, which we can define as the ratio of fluxes of accumulation over hydrolysis. \(J_{v11}/J_{v9}\). For our optimisation algorithms it is necessary to define our optimisation goal as a minimum: we want to minimize \(J_{v9}/J_{v11}\)

What we just defined is called an objective function.

In CoRC we can define the objective function like this:


objf <- "{(v9).Flux}/{(v11).Flux}"

Advanced Code

objf <- paste0(reaction("(v9)", reference = "Flux"), "/", reaction("(v11)", reference = "Flux"))
#> [1] "{(v9).Flux}/{(v11).Flux}"

The parameters

Now we have to think about, what we are able to change to reach the minimum possible value for our objective function. We can assume for this teaching example that we are able to manipulate the steady state levels of our enzymes in reactions v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5.

We have to define our optimisation parameters in CoRC. It is possible to specify several aspects of our parameters, e.g. give them a specific starting value or bounds on how far the estimation is allowed to search. We will say that we can downregulate an enzyme by 50% or overexpress it by 400%. The start values are going to be the current values in our model.


parameters <- list(
  defineOptimizationParameter(ref = "{(v1).Vmax1}",
                              start_value = getParameters("(v1).Vmax1")$value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * getParameters("(v1).Vmax1")$value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * getParameters("(v1).Vmax1")$value),
                              start_value = getParameters("(v2).Vmax2")$value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * getParameters("(v2).Vmax2")$value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * getParameters("(v2).Vmax2")$value),
                              start_value = getParameters("(v3).Vmax3")$value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * getParameters("(v3).Vmax3")$value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * getParameters("(v3).Vmax3")$value),
                              start_value = getParameters("(v4).Vmax4")$value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * getParameters("(v4).Vmax4")$value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * getParameters("(v4).Vmax4")$value),
                              start_value = getParameters("(v5).Vmax5")$value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * getParameters("(v5).Vmax5")$value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * getParameters("(v5).Vmax5")$value)

Advanced Code

make_opt_param <- function(name) {
  value_ref <- parameter_strict(name, reference = "Value")
  value <- getValue(value_ref)
  defineOptimizationParameter(ref = value_ref,
                              start_value = value,
                              lower_bound = 0.5 * value,
                              upper_bound = 4 * value)

parameters <- lapply(c("(v1).Vmax1", "(v2).Vmax2", "(v3).Vmax3", "(v4).Vmax4", "(v5).Vmax5"), make_opt_param)

Optimisation method

Now we have to choose which optimisation method we will use for optimisation. For our first try we will use Truncated Newton. There are a lot of different methods available in CoRC which you can find in the documentation of the runOptimization() function.

method <- 'TruncatedNewton'

Bear in mind, that there is no such thing as “the perfect” or “the right” optimisation method. It is always advisable to try out several (global and local) algorithms.


Now we have all elements we need for our optimisation routine. We still need to specify a few arguments in our function:

par_before <- getParameters()$value

result <- runOptimization(expression = objf,
                subtask = 'steadyState',
                randomize_start_values = FALSE,
                update_model = TRUE,
                parameters = parameters,
                method = method)
#> [1] 0.07816841
#> # A tibble: 5 × 6
#>   parameter  lower_bound start_value  value upper_bound gradient
#>   <chr>            <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 (v1).Vmax1      0.143       0.339  0.339        1.14  -0.254  
#> 2 (v2).Vmax2      0.143       0.342  0.342        1.14  -0.225  
#> 3 (v3).Vmax3      0.0985      0.0985 0.0985       0.788  1.21   
#> 4 (v4).Vmax4      0.0985      0.196  0.196        0.788  0.00801
#> 5 (v5).Vmax5      0.082       0.134  0.134        0.656  0.185

Our new model with the updated parameter values looks like this:



tc <- runTC(duration = 1000, dt = 1)$result %>% 
  pivot_longer(-Time, names_to = "names", values_to = "values")
  geom_line(data = tc1, linetype = "dashed", aes(x = Time, y = values, color = names))+
  geom_line(data = tc, aes(x = Time, y = values, color = names))

The dashed lines were from the timecourse before the optimisation, so we can see that our optimisation routine worked very well!


  1. Mendes P., Hoops S., Sahle S., Gauges R., Dada J., Kummer U. (2009) Computational Modeling of Biochemical Networks Using COPASI. In: Maly I. (eds) Systems Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology (Methods and Protocols), vol 500. Humana Press.↩︎

  2. Rohwer, Johann M., and Frederik C. Botha. “Analysis of sucrose accumulation in the sugar cane culm on the basis of in vitro kinetic data.” Biochemical Journal 358.2 (2001): 437-445.↩︎